
The Swinden Group - The Swinden Group Advises: Tropical Cyclone Gael Will Strike Madagascar

Tropical Cyclone GaelStore this angel in big sizeEvergreen, CO, February 4, 2009 – The Swinden Group, through their Severe Weather Advisories, is advising interests and travelers to Madagascar to adapt for the accession of Tropical Cyclone Gael which could accept adverse accoutrement to the island nation.

Tropical Cyclone Gael, with abiding apprehension of 45 mph, is amid in the southern Indian Ocean arctic of La Reunion and is tracking to the west appear arctic Madagascar. Over the next 24 hours, Gael is accepted to access into an ambiance favorable for intensification. Gael is accepted to bang Madagascar in the around of Toamasina (Tamatave), which is the nation’s arch port, on February 6th with apprehension in balance of 90 mph. Once overland, the cyclone is accepted to abate while tracking appear Antananarivo. Interests in Madagascar should be advancing for the accession of this storm.

“The capital blackmail from Gael will be boundless calamity from the torrential rains, mudslides, and abundant accident to ailing complete buildings,” explains Matthew Swinden, President of the Swinden Group. “Damage to the infrastructure, to cover roads, communications, water, power, and sewage, can be expected.” Interest in this arena should be able for boundless flooding, ability outages and biking delays”

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Severe Weather Advisories is a cable based account provided by the Swinden Group to corporations and business travelers so that they are able for astringent acclimate that may abnormally appulse business and travel.

The Swinden Group, founded in 2007, provides Fortune 500 companies and organizations security, investigations, and accident administration casework worldwide. Severe Weather Advisories are provided to business travelers and corporations in adjustment for them to adapt for biking or business impacting acclimate events.

Matthew Swinden
The Swinden Group, LLC
302 Brook Rd
Evergreen, CO 80439 USA
Phone: 303-406-3622
Web: www.TheSwindenGroup.com
Email: matt@TheSwidnenGroup.com

