
KERN AG, Global Language Service - Ulm – October 2007 KERN AG opens a new accent centre in Ulm

One of the arch all-embracing accent account providers, KERN AG, finds itself on advance for appointed expansion. At Hirschstr. 20 in Ulm a new annex was opened on 5th October 2007. KERN AG’s barter in and about Ulm can now acceptance the abounding spectrum of multilingual advice solutions offered by KERN AG.

Due to its breath abutment of colleges, its abundant Science Parks and its abutting cooperation with internationally operating businesses, Ulm qualifies as a able bread-and-butter and accurate hub.

KERN AG axle affiliate Michael Kern said, "The best accessible abutment of our barter via a bounded annex is a basic allotment of our accumulated strategy. Our new locations which we accept opened in the endure two years accept rapidly become actual successful. Thanks to the absolute relationships with barter in and about Ulm, we are assured a analogously absolute development at this new location."

At the new accent centre in Ulm, KERN AG offers its absolute portfolio of services: accent training for clandestine and accumulated customers, adaptation and interpreting in all languages, analogue management, software-, multimedia- and website-localisation as able-bodied as DTP and press of multilingual documents. This caters in accurate to our barter from business, industry, and accessible institutions.

With 40 offices worldwide, KERN AG is a allotment of the arch accent account providers.
Furthermore, the KERN Group consists of assorted affiliated companies in Amsterdam, Hong Kong, London, Lyon, New York, Paris, San Francisco and Zurich.

KERN AG, Global Language Services
Kurfürstenstraße 1
60486 Frankfurt am Main
Fon: 0049 - (0) 69 - 75 60 73 - 77
Fax: 0049 (0) 69 - 75 60 73 - 52
E-Mail: holger.geiser@e-kern.com

KERN Global Language Services – About us
KERN Global accent casework is a arch provider in the across of all-embracing communication, with about 40 branches and accessory companies above the world. Services offered by KERN cover adaptation and interpreting in all apple languages, interpreting and accompanying interpreting systems, software, multimedia and website localisation, analogue management, multilingual desktop publishing, as able-bodied as accent training in assorted languages for both clandestine barter and businesses. For over three decades, KERN has auspiciously provided its casework to altered sectors of industry, assorted government agencies, and trusted barter from assorted fields including advice technology, the auto industry, medical and biologic industries, the actinic industry and banking services. For added information, amuse appointment www.e-kern.com.

KERN - Your Partner for Languages.

