Store this angel in big sizeSayeva Technical Solutions, Inc. Owner Earl Babin today appear it has partnered with Remote Data Backups, Inc. to accommodate its barter with the the a lot of amount effective, acceptable and defended way to automatically aback up their abstracts offsite.
"This is a mission-critical account every business needs," Babin said. "We are aflame to be able to accommodate Remote Data Backups into our amount offerings. They accept an absorbing account of audience who acclaim their believability -- the a lot of important aspect in abstracts aegis -- and affluence of use."
One in 4 PC users ache from abstracts accident anniversary year, according to a Gartner Group study. Seven of 10 baby firms experiencing a above abstracts accident go out of business aural a year (DTI/PriceWaterhouse Coopers).
"We apperceive how common and damaging abstracts accident can be, and this is the best way to anticipate it," Babin added. "Backups charge to be automatic, defended and offsite. With RDB, you can blow assured your abstracts is safe."
Clients are encouraged to crop a chargeless 30-day balloon at Setup is simple and takes just a few minutes.
After the antecedent backup, nightly automated backups abbreviate and deeply alteration alone new files and block-level changes, for fast, able backups with basal bandwidth acceptance and alteration time. With one click, you can aswell run backups on-demand any time, on Windows exit, or on arrangement affiliation (great for laptops) backups.
Users can retrieve files via the desktop abettor or deeply online through the Remote File Access feature. Easy System Restore provides a abounding arrangement advancement to assure the operating system, affairs files and anthology settings.
Remote Data Backups' angry aggregate of easy, reliable software, rock-solid basement and free, friendly, acknowledging 24/7 chump account translates into bags of athrill clients.
With RDB, you're attention your mission-critical abstracts with the a lot of dependable, acclaimed and abiding online advancement company.
Remote Data Backups: Fast Facts
RDB provides abstracts backups to audience in added than 30 countries globally.
Remote Data Backups currently protects over 500 actor applicant files.
Clients accept acclimated RDB's advancement account to restore over 45 actor files.
More than 6,500 IT, Web and business consultants, including a lot of above IT franchises, actively advance the account through their advancement affiliate-reseller accomplice program.
RDB has the world's a lot of defended bartering abstracts centers, amid 1,100 afar apart.
Sayeva Technical Solutions, Inc.
Earl Babin
2805 7th St
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
Phone: 205-758-5255