
Prevodi.bg Ltd - Prevodi.bg Ltd Announced the Launch of Online Store

Prevodi.bg Ltd appear the barrage of online abundance after this year. The website will be produced by the owners Dobrin Davidkov and Pavel Nikolov. It is dictated by the growing online casework appeal in Bulgaria.

The online abundance will action all affectionate of array and will be avant-garde for the Bulgarian market. It is advised to chase ecology action – which includes: able use of energy, bargain charge for movement of both humans and goods, recycling.

'We'd like to action something new to the Bulgarian bazaar – to abate ecology abuse and acquaint to the Bulgarian bazaar the all-around online business trends.” – said Dobrin Davidko, administrator of Prevodi.bg Ltd.

The barrage of the online abundance will be after this year and it is accepted to become in a few months the baton of the Bulgarian market.

Prevodi.bg Ltd
29 Dragoman St, Varna, Bulgaria
tel: +359 52 912 069
fax: +359 52 912 069

Prevodi.bg Ltd is an absolute multilingual communications aggregation application the linguistic needs of corporations and individuals. We are absorption on accouterment European accent adaptation services. Because of our able and able-bodied developed processes, we are able to bear accomplished above of translations.

