
The Pincus Group - Media Training Contract Awarded for US Coast Guard to The Pincus Group

(Washington DC)—The US Coast Guard will be alms media training and accident communications in May for chief Maritime admiral from countries about the world. The media training and accident communications training will be conducted by The Pincus Group, a media training and crisis communications controlling training close in Silver Spring, Maryland.

Training is appointed to crop abode over three canicule at the USCG’s International Maritime Officer’s School in Yorktown, Virginia. The chief akin accomplishment development is advised to allegorize US best practices in media relations and crisis communications for International amphibian entities nominated to attend.

Training will crop abode May 13th, 14th and 15th for On-Scene Coordinators and Incident Commanders with responsibilities during incidents such as oil spills, chancy abstracts releases or crisis incidents such as acts of terrorism.

The Pincus Group provides controlling apprenticeship specializing in presentation skills, accent skills, media training and crisis communications. TPG offers off-site customized apprenticeship for the accessible and clandestine sectors and on-site apprenticeship at offices in city Washington DC.

Media Contact: Maureen Kugler
(301) 938-6990
or info@thepincusgroup.com
309 Reserve Gate Terrace
Silver Spring, MD 20905

