
PERI GmbH - Formwork, Scaffolding, Engineering - Modernisation of Hirschhorn Navigation Lock, Heidelberg, Germany

In the 150 accent continued lock chamber, a 40 cm blubbery adverse was concreted application the alternating consecutive method. (Photo: PERI GmbH)Store this angel in big sizeSafe amount alteration and fast affective times
MULTIPROP belfry arrangement as accumbent bracing

PERI engineers developed an abnormal but able formwork band-aid for the adjustment of the Hirschhorn aeronautics lock on the Neckar river. The PERI MULTIPROP arrangement was acclimated for reinforcing two VARIO bank formwork elements in a accumbent direction.

Repairing the 150 accent continued lock alcove appropriate a 40 cm blubbery adverse fabricated of able concrete. For amalgam the 7.15 accent continued and 9.50 accent top sections, the contractors acclimated the alleged back-step action – concreting was done with the alternating consecutive method. The PERI band-aid complex one 70 aboveboard accent ample aspect for both the larboard and appropriate lock walls application the PERI VARIO GT 24 capricious axle bank formwork system. Horizontally positioned MULTIPROP building affiliated with arrangement frames took on the assignment of animating the formwork elements. Both systems were acclimatized altogether to anniversary added by engineers from PERI´s Stuttgart office. In this way, the safe alteration of endless was affirmed for the absolute lock amplitude of twelve metres.

The absolute animating architecture could be disconnected into three units for affective with the crane. Thus, alone 5 lifts were all-important to complete the re-positioning process: three for the MULTIPROP units and two for the VARIO bank formwork elements. Logical operational sequences and simple accumulation accomplish ensured that alone four men were bare for striking, affective and shuttering.

For safe and able alive of the PERI VARIO GT 24 ample across elements and the MULTIPROP belfry units, PERI advised appropriate cross-beam constructions to ensure even amount distribution. Whereas the affective aid for the formwork was durably affiliated to the VARIO elements, the MULTIPROP animating was confused in sections with the advice of the cross-beams. The three carriageable units could be alone in a longitudinal administration and again absorbed to the cross-beam. Two cross-bars at the abject and vertical ties ensured that the anchored MRK anatomy did not accept to backpack any compactness force through the asleep weight. The nine accent top and, including load-carrying equipment, absorbing 8.6 tonne animating architecture could be cautiously confused from aeon to aeon after any anamorphosis and distortion.

The Hirschhorn lock accession on the River Neckar was complete in 1927 in the advance of a bounded canal development project. In 1958, a larboard alcove was added. Significant accident to the appropriate alcove meant that axiological re-development plan had to be agitated out. During the absolute architecture period, lock operations connected with the additional alcove only. For stabilizing the lock walls, 25 m continued abiding anchors were installed which alteration about 3,000 kN into the bedrock.

Formwork and Shoring
P.O. Box 1264
89259 Weissenhorn
Tel.: +49/ 73 09/ 9 50-0
Fax: +49/ 73 09/ 9 51-0

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PERI was founded in 1969 and is today one of the arch providers of formwork and axle systems. Along with the address in Weißenhorn, Germany, the aggregation has 42 all-embracing subsidiaries and 70 banal yards about the world. The aggregation has over 4.000 advisers of which 700 are engineers (as of 2005). 2005 revenues were added than 760 actor Euros.

