
PentagonLight - PentagonLight™ releases K2 Porcupine Light today Featuring the World's First Retractable Spike Bezel Head

Spikes are retractable instantly for cocky defenseStore this angel in big sizePentagonLight™ releases K2 Porcupine Light featuring the world's aboriginal retractable fasten bezel today. Unlike accustomed appropriate lights with crenellated bezel that can generally administer accidental harms to oneself, K2 appearance acicular spikes about the bezel that beetle apparent alone if the fasten protector is lowered. With the spikes adequate if not needed, the fast about-face threading allows the accelerated retraction of the fasten protector. These spikes are acicular far added than those accustomed crenellated bezel light. Together with its able 70-lumen eye-blinding white light, the acicular retractable spikes accomplish K2 a able cocky aegis tool. For added artefact information, appointment www.pentagonlight.com/item_detail.cfm__id.598

151 Mitchell Avenue
South San Francisco, CA 94080 USA
Telephone: +1-650-877-1555
Facsimile: +1-650-877-9555

PentagonLight™ is a common provider of top achievement appropriate light, rechargeable lights, and weapon ablaze systems. Our lights are complete for and issued by the aggressive and law administration agencies for attention our citizenry aegis and in arresting our civic security.

