
Museum On The Go - The Victoria and Albert Museum goes adaptable with Museum On The Go

Victoria & Albert Museum Mieder 19.Jht.Store this angel in big sizeV&A Images presents a accumulating of digitised building altar on the aboriginal multimedia building aperture for adaptable phones.

Museum On The Go, the aboriginal aperture for the download of agenda building altar to adaptable devices, has committed a new area of its website to the arch accumulating of the V&A. The agenda arcade comprises added than 100 images from a array of periods and capacity and is accessible for download to adaptable accessories in added than 50 countries worldwide. For the aboriginal time, 30 activated videos accept been abnormally acclimatized to the baby screens of adaptable phones to appearance altar and appearance from the endure century.

Images accept been anxiously called and ambit from wallpapers and Japanese woodcuts, to toys and textiles. The accumulating aswell includes actual photographs of personalities such as the Beatles and HM Queen Elizabeth II which can be downloaded as screensavers on your claimed device. Digital postcards are aswell available, with capacity alignment from a Victorian Christmas to Easter cards and affiche advertisements.

Museum On the Go offers visitors the achievability of sending images from the V&A Collections to the adaptable phones of accompany and ancestors all over the world.

Fashion assets a new charter of activity through video clips of 5 -10 abnormal alternating through 360 degrees on the screen. Videos appearance activated toys, appliance and architecture altar such as the Emerson Patriot radio. The video clips acquiesce the user to appearance building items in a new way, demography advantage of the multimedia possibilities of avant-garde adaptable phones.

By application new mediums of adaptable communication, the accord amid the V&A and Museum On The Go enables young, culturally-aware and media adeptness users to analyze altar from the greatest building of Art and Design after in actuality accepting in the museum!
The purpose of the Victoria and Albert Museum is to accredit anybody to adore its collections and analyze the cultures that created them and to affect those who appearance abreast design. All our efforts are focused aloft a axial purpose - the added use of our displays, collections and ability as assets for learning, adroitness and amusement by audiences aural and above the United Kingdom. Royalties generated through this accord are covenanted aback to the museum.

Museum On The Go
Alexander Koeb; Mob: +39 334 91 54 911; E-Mail: office@museumonthego.com

Museum On The Go was founded in 2006 and is the aboriginal aperture for the download of agenda building altar (Images, Audio, Video) and casework to adaptable devices. The aperture can be begin on the Internet URL www.museumonthego.com or anon on the adaptable buzz at the Wap-address: motg.mobi .

