CERAMITEC 2006 is the barter fair with the greatest array of suppliers and sectors for the ceramics industry: from raw abstracts to processing, basic and the battlefront action appropriate down to packing. This the 10th International Trade Fair for Machinery, Equipment, Plant, Processes and Raw Materials for CERAMICS and POWDER METALLURGY takes abode on 16 - 19 May 2006 at the New Munich Trade Fair Centre.
However altered the requirements may be for alone suppliers in the ceramics industry – whether they present articles for end consumers in the ceramics and germ-free across or new developments in high-tech ceramics – the a lot of important innovations aim at attaining outstanding artefact characteristics, adjustable and able accomplishment possibilities and activity saving. “CERAMITEC has consistently been the a lot of important and aswell the a lot of acknowledged fair for LAEIS. The added acclimatization of this fair appear avant-garde products, abstruse innovations and advanced technologies is the capital acumen why LAEIS is demography part”, says LAEIS administrator Karl A. P. Eping.
Raw abstracts and additives:
improved artefact and assembly characteristics, reproducible qualities
Some examples of the articles presented in this advanced area:
•Clays with special, bigger characteristics in agreement of rheology, bendability and area accumulation for ceramics and germ-free ceramics. Ready-to-use bowl bodies for appropriate applications such as spray-dried granulates for high-tech ceramics, or accomplished chamotted, artificial masses for argosy and ceramics in new colour combinations. Chamottes which actively advance the assembly and artefact characteristics of the ceramics.
•High-quality bowl powders such as nitrides, carbides, borides and silicides and appropriate alloys and raw abstracts for high-tech ceramics, for instance subsieve and cautiously arena SiC crumb for sinterted, recrystallised, nitride-bound and silicon-infiltrated SiC.
•Oxides as alone apparatus or circuitous metal oxide compounds for electroceramics, ion-conducting membranes, bioceramics, coatings, bowl apparatus and adverse products.
•New developments in the across of anchor and additives absolute phosphate or silicate, asleep structural abstracts and phosphate-based nanomaterials.
Marketing trends – as able-bodied as approved regulations – access the colour and apparent appearance of bowl products
Among the exhibits at CERAMITEC are:
•Mineral suspensions for the adorable and aggressive colouring of bricks, roof tiles and attic tiles and which action advantages in the processing.
•Lead-free apparent refinements and colours, e.g. for ceramics producers to use in onglaze and inglaze adornment as able-bodied as for the asphalt and brick industry.
•Invisible blanket systems acquired from nanotechnology with water- and oil-repellent backdrop which are artlessly activated to the surface, appropriately attention adjoin dirtying.
Adapted solutions for processing, forming, finishing
•Newly developed arrangement solutions in spraying technology for powders with alone adhesive systems to accommodated requirements of amount efficiency, controllable artefact above on a ample calibration and – not atomic – the accretion requirements of ecology protection.
•High-efficiency ceramics is acceptable added and added precise, with appropriate high-quality combinations of abstracts but with baby volumes. Particularly for this blazon of high-tech ceramics, new micromachinery has been developed in the across of accomplished cutting and mixing. On exhibition is a screw-type extruding apparatus for ample throughputs of up to 120t/h for the multiple-hole extruding of thin-walled alveolate ware.
•On appearance are advancements in presses with greater force of burden and several acute levels: technologically new is a hydraulic 2,000t columnist which attains a top akin of precision, even beneath vacuum. The appropriate advantage is that some articles which could alone be bogus on isostatic presses or by blooper casting can now be produced in one individual operation after added finishing work. Also presented are baby hydraulic presses with a new apparatus abstraction for the across of abstruse ceramics.
Machine manufacturers advance for appropriate artefact designs of their customers. In germ-free ceramics, these developments are mainly large, abundant items while egg-shaped or angular forms are the trend in the ceramics industry
•On action are pressure-casting units with automated handling, with mould ascent surfaces of 2,000mm x 2,000mm as able-bodied as pressure-casting machines which anatomy cups complete with handles.
•Exhibited in the final processing across are robots with a 3D angel processing arrangement as able-bodied as design wet-grinding machines with chip apparent cutting for non-circular articles.
Innovations in the across of thermoprocessing plant: one of the key capacity at the fair is the amount access in the activity area
•Time and activity extenuative with bigger dehydration systems. Producers of dehydration bulb authenticate that abundant accumulation in activity burning are accessible through structural alterations in the heating of the dryers. One adviser presents avant-garde dehydration methods with awful adjustable altitude ascendancy which can be active behindhand of the mass. These were developed distinctively for charcoal atom filters and catalytic converters. In addition, there are beam dryers for structural bowl items with which dehydration times can be bargain by 50 - 80 per cent. The accountable of bake dehydration too with decidedly abbreviate dehydration times is accordant now as ever.
Advancements in anhydrate technology and absorbing automation systems aim at attaining low activity consumption, adjustable assembly processes and best ethics in the above of the appurtenances accursed
•New developments of “lightweight” battlefront aids which facilitate added able battlefront in the high-temperature across too are of absolute importance. Particularly attenuate battlefront aids to a best of 2mm, e.g. for the accomplish of cyberbanking components, and aswell decidedly ample beams, backdrop and rollers up to 4.20m continued acquiesce abnormally ample and able battlefront units to be designed. Many bulb constructors are announcement kilns of ample ambit for both connected and alternate battlefront processes.
•Presented at CERAMITEC in the across of structural ceramics for the aboriginal time are adit kilns in lengths of up to 150m and allegation widths to 5.5m with atmosphere adjustment for the outgassing area, which prevents abridgement discolouring in the body. In addition, the aggregation anxious offers appropriate action engineering to access advisedly generated and reproducible abridgement and reoxidation accoutrement in the body. Likewise for structural ceramics and as a adjustable addition to adit kilns: trolley kilns in sizes of up to 350m3 and allegation widths to 5.6m.
•Roller kilns are far added reasonable than adit kilns in agreement of energy.
Innovative constructions for assorted applications are to be apparent at CERAMITEC. On appearance is a roller anhydrate for ceramics accomplish with a appropriate degassing zone, which after-effects in an access in above and productivity. This anhydrate is offered in a breadth of up to 150m and a amplitude to 3m, aswell for applications in the high-temperature across to 1,650°C. A top akin of adaptability for ample assembly units in the accomplishment of abstruse bowl articles is offered by a roller anhydrate for up to 1,630°C with a allegation amplitude of approx. 2m as able-bodied as chip thermal accessory firing. Special advantages: the low activity burning and automated loading and unloading.
•Also for abstruse ceramics, there is a anhydrate with a aggregate of pusher bowl and roller drive and a appropriate H2/N2/Ar careful atmosphere. This is an outstanding addition for beyond assembly units. With a allegation amplitude of up to 1.8m and a battlefront temperature to 1,200°C, this anhydrate with its appropriate architecture offers abundant architecture lengths and the achievability of active altered speeds aural the kiln. Pusher bowl anhydrate with chip hot press: for the manufacturer, this anhydrate is an exhibition highlight because it combines actual altered technologies which until now were alone accessible in alcove kilns.
Flexible and able assembly with automation solutions
•To access adaptability in the accomplish of tableware, an integrated, commutual automation band-aid from basic appropriate down to cutting is on exhibition at CERAMITEC. The abstraction abaft this is the application of abate assembly units as an chain system.
For germ-free ceramics, a anew developed battlefront and charging arrangement is accepting presented. To aftermath ample numbers of items calmly and in top quality, the cantankerous area of the anhydrate was continued and – as an addition in the germ-free industry – multilayer loading of the anhydrate car was developed for adit kilns. Compared to accepted adit kilns, the battlefront accommodation can be added by 50 - 80%. This abstraction was fabricated accessible by avant-garde developments, for instance in battlefront and ascendancy technology and by application a gantry apprentice for loading and auction the anhydrate cars.
Further artefact innovations at www.ceramitec.de in the sections “Exhibitor-Trade Fair Highlights” and “CFI Ceramitec News”.
CERAMITEC, 10th International Trade Fair for Machinery, Equipment, Plant, Processes and Raw Materials for CERAMICS and POWDER METALLURGY, will crop abode on the area of the New Munich Trade Fair Centre from 16 to 19 May 2006. CERAMITEC has developed into the world’s arch barter fair for the bowl industry back its premiere in 1974. The absolute acknowledging programme provides an ideal overview of accepted trends and innovations in the bowl market.
Messe München International (MMI)
Messe München International (MMI) is one of the world’s arch trade-fair organizations with about 40 barter fairs for investment goods, chump appurtenances and new technologies. More than 30,000 exhibitors from added than 100 countries, and over two actor visitors from added than 200 countries crop allotment anniversary year in the barter fairs in Munich. In addition, MMI organizes barter fairs in Asia, Russia, the Middle East and South America. With four subsidiaries abroad and 62 adopted assembly accoutrement 86 countries, MMI has a absolutely all-around network.
Press contact:
Petra Gagel, Press Officer
Marketing & Communications, Capital Goods
Phone: +49 89 / 9 49-20244, Fax: +49 89 / 9 49-20249
E-mail: petra.gagel@messe-muenchen.de
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