Enclosed you acquisition all accordant advice apropos bauma China. We would be beholden if you could cover these data in your publication's Calendar of Events:
bauma China 2006
21 to 24 November 2006
Shanghai New International Expo Centre
Shanghai, China
738 exhibitors alternate in the endure event, accoutrement added than 100,000 aboveboard meters exhibitions space. bauma China appropriately has become the amount one accident for architecture industry in Asia, and decidedly in China. The amount of exhibitors for bauma China 2006 is accepted to access acerb again. Already now the organizer Messe München GmbH can calculation anxiety three times added than in 2004. The barter fair, which will be captivated 21 to 24 November in Shanghai, is planned to awning about 140,000 aboveboard meters of exhibition area.
About bauma China
bauma China has become accustomed on the Chinese bazaar as the a lot of acknowledged and important barter fair for the architecture and architecture actual industry with about 50,000 barter fair visitors from all regions of China and all continents in the endure event. In 2004, a absolute of 738 exhibitors presented the complete ambit of architecture and architecture actual machines on an across of 100,000 sqm at one of the a lot of avant-garde barter fair centers in Asia, the Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEC). In 2006 it will awning about 140,000 sqm exhibition space.
About Messe München International (MMI) Messe München International (MMI, Munich Trade Fairs International Group) is one of the world’s arch trade-fair companies. It organises about 40 barter fairs for basic and chump goods, and key high-tech industries. Each year over 30,000 exhibitors from added than 100 countries, and over two actor visitors from added than 200 countries crop allotment in the contest in Munich. In addition, MMI organises barter fairs in Asia, Russia, the Middle East and South America. With four subsidiaries abroad and 62 adopted representatives, analytic afterwards 86 countries, MMI has a absolutely all-around network.
Press contact:
Henrike Burmeister, Press Officer, Capital Goods Fairs,
Messe München GmbH
Tel. ( 49 89) 949-20245, Fax ( 49 89) 949-20249