Between 23 and 29 April 2007 bauma in Munich will be showcasing all the latest products, technologies and casework in accouterment for the all-embracing construction, building-materials and mining industry, on over 500,000 aboveboard meters of exhibition space. The absolute display, including the alfresco areas, is now accessible on one level.
The exhibition area, including halls and the amphitheater site, now extends to over 500,000 aboveboard meters in total. For 2007, the alley that afar a allotment of the alfresco affectation from the website – Paul-Henri-Spaak-Strasse – will be chip into bauma 2007, which agency there will no best be any charge for footbridges over it. All exhibition amplitude is appropriately accessible on one level, authoritative it faster and easier for visitors to get about the site. For the continuance of the fair, cartage on the alley will be diverted.
Messe München, the organizer of bauma 2007, is acerb accurate in its plan by the affiliation of construction-equipment and architecture actual accouterment manufacturers and the affiliation of mining accessories manufacturers aural the VDMA (the German engineering federation), and by their all-embracing accomplice associations . Between 23 and 29 April 2007 all big names in the industry will be advancing on Munich for the world’s amount one barter fair accident in the architecture accouterment sector.
About bauma In the halls and the amphitheater exhibition area of the New Munich Trade Fair Centre, the latest articles of the all-embracing accouterment industry for construction, architecture abstracts and mining will be presented on 23 - 29 April 2007. Messe München GmbH is authoritative over 500,000 aboveboard metres of exhibition across accessible for this world-leading event. In the year 2004, a absolute of 2,801 exhibitors from 47 countries fabricated use of bauma as a belvedere for presentation and marketing, 50 percent of them from added countries than Germany. Over 416,000 visitors from Germany and abroad came to Munich for bauma 2004, with 29 per cent of these from abroad. The announcement companies affirm the accent of bauma as the all-embracing affair point for the sector. During bauma 2004, 93 per cent of exhibitors accustomed all-embracing visitors to their stands.
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About Messe München International (MMI) Messe München International (MMI, Munich Trade Fairs International Group) is one of the world’s arch trade-fair companies. It organises about 40 barter fairs for basic and chump goods, and key high-tech industries. Each year over 30,000 exhibitors from added than 100 countries, and over two actor visitors from added than 200 countries crop allotment in the contest in Munich. In addition, MMI organises barter fairs in Asia, Russia, the Middle East and South America. With four subsidiaries abroad and 62 adopted representatives, analytic afterwards 86 countries, MMI has a absolutely all-around network.
Press contact:
Henrike Burmeister, Press Officer, Capital Goods Fairs,
Messe München GmbH
Tel. (+49 89) 949-20245, Fax (+49 89) 949-20249