
KP TECH Beratungsgesellschaft mbH - KP TECH Analysis: Strong access in M&A appraisal in the European technology area in the 3. Quarter 2009

Acquisition action in the third division 2009 just decreased 12% compared to 2. Quarter 2009. There were 574 acquisitions involving European technology companies in Q3 2009, a abatement of 12% from the 650 deals appear in the additional division of 2009. More importantly, the accumulated amount of these acquisitions has confused up to a accumulated appraisal of $21.7b, up over 100% from the $10.7b absolute appraisal recorded in Q2 2009.

The UK and the Scandinavian countries assuming increases in affairs action for the aboriginal time back the alpha of the recession. Activity with North American buyers (ie USA and Canada) is still apathetic apery just 7% of buy-side deals. There was aswell a con-siderable arrest in affairs action from Southern Europe with abundant declines apparent in Spain and Italy.

Two sectors saw added numbers of affairs in the third division of 2009. Internet Services, was up 34% in the additional division 2009, in Q3 2009 afresh up 11%. Communi-cations, afresh up 16% in the third quarter, was aswell up 53% in Q2 2009. Within IT Serv-ices, there was accretion action in the a lot of contempo division in vertical bazaar solutions.

The majority of the sellers in the technology area in Europe, with 395 affairs or 69% of all deals, are clandestine corporates. Importantly, there area added action from the listed companies with 27 affairs that represents an access of 23%.

More data on this appraisal are accessible by appeal at advice [“at”] tech-corporatefinance.de or the chase acquaintance information’s.

KP TECH is an absolute accumulated accounts and M&A adviser. The audience cover both all-embracing and medium-sized companies from the technology area a allotment of in-formation technology, cleantech, biotechnology and altitude technology. KP TECH accompanied artefact and casework companies in this sectors and act as able accomplice in questions apropos to mergers & acquisitions, aggregation valuation, business due activity and adventure capital.

KP TECH Beratungsgesellschaft mbH
Westhafenplatz 1
60327 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49 (0) 69-713786-0
Fax: +49 (0) 69-713786-27
Internet: www.tech-corporatefinance.de
E-Mail: advice [“at”] tech-corporatefinance.de
Managing Partner: Sandra Preuß, Michael Klumpp

