
Joe Mancuso - 2006 Mozart Year in Vienna/Austria

From January 27 to 29 there will be a abundant affair in Vienna adulatory Mozart`s 250th birthday. It will be an accessible affair for everyone.
Mozart`s altogether will be acclaimed all over the city-limits with music, films, and several other, sometimes hasty themes.

There are 5 altered tours:
Mozart Friends and Enemies
Mozart Viennese and Cosmopolitan
Mozart Art and Love
Mozart Life and Death
Mozart Yesterday and Today

Each of these appropriate Mozart Tours contains four altered contest and a appropriate children's programme. The events, covers agreeable concerts, alcove music, Songs and aria, readings, cabaret, cinema, New Music, and angelic music. There will be a advanced ambit of cultural performers . The a lot of important concert halls and theatres will host favourite performers, all-embracing stars, and adolescent talents.

Most of the acclaimed performers are able-bodied accepted aswell alfresco the borders of Austria and are not alone bounded cultural celebrities.
In accession to this adorable cultural programme for everyone, added highlights will be offered in a ample covering on the Stephansplatz. Finally, the "Mozart Tourists" will regroup in the aboriginal black at a ample complete accession on Maria-Theresien-Platz.

How to become a "tourist": taken from the website www.wienmozart2006.at
·Choose your tour. Wander from theatre to theatre through the biting streets of Vienna and acquaintance a ambit of new encounters with Mozart. The 5 tours will crop abode in identical anatomy on 27, 28, and 29 January 2006.
·All your bout advice at a glance. Detailed bout itineraries as able-bodied as a accessible calendar and theatre overview can be begin on the pages "Tour 01" to "Tour 05". The tours are colour-coded for simple identification.
·Only EUR 19.- for four events. A bout with four altered contest is alone EUR 19.- (reduced rate: EUR 14.-). If you would rather not book a complete tour, you can baddest alone contest alone (individual tickets: EUR 7.-/reduced: EUR 5.-).
·Using cruise tickets on accessible transport; bargain rates. You can use your tickets for the Party for Mozart on the accessible carriage accessories of the Wiener Linien (valid from 2 hours afore to 6 hours afterwards the alpha of the event). Reduced ante are accessible for academy pupils, trainees, acceptance up to the age of 26, humans accomplishing aggressive or association service, disabled persons, and unemployed bodies (proof of accommodation have to be submitted at the box appointment in the Theater an der Wien).
·Free acceptance to the Sound Fusions. Each cruise ends in the black with a Sound Fusion on Maria-Theresien-Platz amid the Museum of Art History and the Museum of Natural History. Help yourself to a cup of hot bite and adore a new attending at Mozart's music.
·Tickets accessible at (++43/1) 58 999
·Special Vienna Sightseeing bout on www.travelguidevienna.com

