Kuala Lumpur & Karachi, September 25, 2008 – The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) is hosting 5 acquaintance programmes that the IFSB is organising on 27 – 31 October 2008 in Karachi. The programmes are captivated in affiliation with the 13th Meeting of the Council of the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB), which the SBP is aswell hosting.
The 5 programmes are:
- 3rd International Conference on Islamic Banking & Finance: Risk Management, Regulation and Supervision
co-organised with the Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) and Islamic Development Bank (IDB)
- 2nd Public Lecture on Financial Policy and Stability
- Interactive Session on the Financial Health of Islamic Financial Services
- 5th International Seminar on Challenges adverse the Independence of Shari’ah Supervisory Boards
- Seminar on Monetary Operations and Liquidity Management
The programmes will be addressed by chairpersons and speakers absolute top admiral from a allotment of the industry’s authoritative and authoritative bodies, as able-bodied as arch all-embracing experts in the Islamic banking casework industry. These industry leaders represent a all-inclusive spectrum of the industry – accoutrement the banking, basic markets and Takaful sectors. More advice about these programmes is accessible on www.sbp.org.pk/ibd/IFSB.htm and www.ifsb.org/pakistan
The administrator of IFSB Council, Dr. Shamshad Akhtar (Governor, State Bank of Pakistan), while affectionate the efforts of IFSB, said that all-around absorption in Islamic accounts industry and Pakistan’s success in laying basal foundation and amount basement of Islamic banking arrangement lends aplomb that the country has acceptable abeyant and affairs to added advance this industry. Pakistan has apparent a able-bodied advance in Islamic banking, which can serve as a key car to advance and backbone the acceptance to development accounts by bringing in banking addition that can baby abundantly to assorted demands of the citizenry as able-bodied as accumulated sector’s and country’s basement costs requirements. She expects that these contest will abundantly advice in alteration of success and technology above jurisdictions besides accouterment accomplished networking opportunities.
Secretary General of the IFSB, Professor Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, commenting on the accent of captivation these programmes said, "Looking at the growing affiliation of the Islamic banking casework industry into the all-around banking framework, it is acute for the all-embracing banking association to accumulate beside with the developments and issues inherent aural the industry. Organising such programmes is a allotment of the efforts of the IFSB in befitting its’ 175 affiliate institutions above the apple acquaint with accepted and accordant industry issues.”
More advice on the programmes will be acquaint on the IFSB website in due course.
About the Islamic Financial Services Board:
The IFSB is an all-embracing standard-setting organisation that promotes and enhances the acumen and adherence of the Islamic banking casework industry by arising all-around prudential standards and allegorical attempt for the industry, broadly authentic to cover banking, basic markets and allowance sectors.
The 175 associates of the IFSB comprise 42 authoritative and authoritative authorities, 6 all-embracing inter-governmental organizations and 127 bazaar players and able firms operating in 34 jurisdictions.
For added advice about the IFSB, amuse appointment www.ifsb.org
About the State Bank of Pakistan:
State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) accepting the axial case of Pakistan is arena a proactive and arch role to authorize and advance Islamic cyberbanking in the country. These efforts culminated in an access in allotment of Islamic cyberbanking from beneath than 1 percent to added than 4 percent during endure 5 years. Starting with a individual full-fledged Islamic case and few Islamic cyberbanking branches of accepted banks in 2003, now there are 6 full-fledged Islamic banks while 12 accepted banks’ are alms Islamic banking. The all-embracing Islamic cyberbanking branch-network has developed to over 350 in September 2008. SBP is aboriginal in the apple to affair guidelines for Islamic Microfinance, while, guidelines on Islamic Agriculture accounts are accessible for industry feedback. Recently, Ijara Sukuk accept been issued to baby to the clamminess administration needs of Islamic cyberbanking industry in Pakistan. These absolute Sukuk are acceptable for the purpose of affair the Statutory Liquidity Requirement.
For added advice about Islamic cyberbanking in Pakistan, amuse appointment www.sbp.org.pk/departments/ibd.htm
Siham Ismail
Marketing Communications
Islamic Financial Services Board
Email: Siham Ismail
Tel: + 603 2698 4248 ext 119