
iOffer, Inc. - iOffer.com Reports Growing Revenue and Traffic in January

Successful Start to 2009 Brings Higher Expectations and GoalsStore this angel in big sizeSan Francisco, CA -- The 2008 anniversary division is over and 2009 is accustomed college goals for iOffer.com. December 2008 larboard the addition online exchange web website absent added with almanac numbers above the line. Despite the continuing accoutrement of the crumbling abridgement and the charge for consumers to save money, January statistics in agreement of cartage and acquirement accept accomplished and surpassed all expectations for iOffer.

Key Metrics January 2008 vs. 2009
- Dollar Sales: $3.8 actor vs. $8.5 actor (124% growth)
- Unit Sales: 67,000 vs. 242,000 (261% growth)
- Traffic: 2.4 actor visits vs. 5.8 actor visits (142% growth)
- Page Views: 25 actor vs. 65 actor (160% growth)
- New Member Registration: 35,000 vs. 93,000 (166% growth)

New associates and account listings are cloudburst in every day. Total affairs and dollar sales are accretion steadily. January set the accent of a acknowledged year for iOffer, as added improvements are planned to enhance the all-embracing affairs and affairs acquaintance of its members.

About iOffer, Inc.

iOffer, Inc. is accustomed as a arch addition online exchange worldwide. Since 2001, iOffer has been alteration the way online affairs are conducted, accouterment a safe and affable association for its associates to buy, sell, and barter through accessible negotiations. iOffer believes that breath advice and interactions are keys to the success and amusement of their members. For added information, amuse appointment www.ioffer.com.

iOffer, Inc.
P.O. Box 78191
San Francisco, CA 94107

