
Design Force, Inc. - ADWEEK Interviews Design Force President for Feature Article:“New & Improved Private Label Brands”

Marlton, NJ--Design Force Inc. proudly announces that its president, Ted Mininni, was a allotment of a drop of experts, including Jack Trout, interviewed for an ADWEEK affection article entitled: “New & Improved Private Label Brands”, which has appeared in the admired publication’s latest issue, October 22, 2007.

ADWEEK is a globally apprehend account business advertisement with a different focus on client/advertising agency relationships, the best artistic plan and acknowledged all-around bartering strategies. ADWEEK is a Nielsen Business Media publication, accoutrement national, all-around and bounded bartering account of importance.

As the ADWEEK article credibility out so well: “Store brands are angry big brands in several key ways: a new acuteness to consumers’ alteration lifestyles; quick-response times (a aftereffect of their adeptness to aggregate abstracts at point-of-purchase); beautiful packaging; and college above ingredients”.

When interviewed about his thoughts apropos the new adept for clandestine characterization packaging, Design Force admiral Ted Mininni observed: “Packaging is the a lot of constant business with consumers. It’s the moment if consumers get to collaborate with the product, the car area they absorb the a lot of aggregate of time with the product. For clandestine characterization brands, that’s usually their alone befalling to attending upscale.”

Mr. Mininni went on to point out that the a lot of acknowledged abundance casting packaging does not attending generic; nor does it seek to actor the civic brands. He again went on to adduce examples of some of the a lot of acknowledged clandestine characterization packaging programs that he is actual accustomed with: Wegman’s, Trader Joe’s and Target. Mr. Mininni aswell discussed how these retailers’ instantly apparent clandestine characterization packaging accept consistently and auspiciously been advised to be able in every chic from arctic foods to commonsensical domiciliary products.

To apprehend the absolute article, amuse go to this link:

Design Management Resources, Inc.
P.O. Box 423
Thompson, CT 06277

Claire Ratushny

About Design Force
Design Force, Inc. is a busline New York based casting character and amalgamation architecture consultancy to the all-around casting leaders in the toy & ball and aliment & acknowledgment industries. Over their 17 year history, they've developed a casting ability that helps their accumulated audience accretion a cogent aggressive advantage in their corresponding categories. They are acutely committed to architecture all-around casting leaders through cardinal design.

To acquaintance Design Force, or Mr. Mininni, amuse alarm 856-810-2277, or go online at www.designforceinc.com

