
canadian affiliation for renewable energies (we c.a.r.e.) - Renewable Energy Associations Sued for Promoting Renewables

OTTAWA, Ontario, CA (2006-11-21) Two civic renewable activity associations are accepting sued for their use of the internet to advance a blooming calefaction technology.

The Canadian Association for Renewable Energies is one of four defendants served with a affirmation for $50,000 in federal court, for buying of internet domains which accommodate the chat ‘geo-exchange.’ The appellation ‘geoexchange’ is a U.S. trademark, and the affirmation alleges that the defendants were authoritative a bartering accumulation from use of the term.

“Ignoring the actuality that the domains were all advised as advice sites for consumers to explain how geothermal calefaction pumps work, we offered to alteration buying of the domains to the plaintiff, for free, if they had alone the affirmation afore a cogent aggregate of acknowledged costs were incurred,” says controlling administrator Bill Eggertson, who was aswell called alone as a defendant. “They refused, which acutely indicates their motive in advancing this claim.”

Eggertson had been a advance administrator of the Canadian GeoExchange Coalition afore he was removed by electric utilities, and the domains remained accessible for three years afterwards he appropriate that they be registered. He assuredly registered them, to accompaniment the 34 added internet domains administered by the affiliation to advertise advice on assorted renewable activity technologies.

Prior to filing the suit, the plaintiff never asked for buying of the domains to be transferred, nor for any of the sites to point to added domains. A amount of ‘good faith’ measures were taken afterwards the affirmation was served, and Eggertson says the costs in arresting the affirmation in federal cloister will actively accident c.a.r.e.’s operations, including its circadian newsfeed and its certified green-hosting service.

canadian affiliation for renewable energies
we c.a.r.e.

contact Bill Eggertson
telephone (613) 222-6920
email eggertson@renewables.ca

The canadian affiliation for renewable energies was congenital to advance the achievable applications of renewable activity technologies (green power, blooming fuels, blooming heat).

