
annoknips - annoknips registered as an EU brand

Store this angel in big sizeThe name of the abreast history association annoknips has been registered as an EU casting with the European Trademark Office. This agency that the casting name "annoknips" is adequate in all countries of the European Union. Trademark buyer Thomas Böttcher, co-founder of annoknips GmbH who came up with the idea, aswell holds the rights to the area annoknips.com. Böttcher registered the casting and accountant annoknips GmbH with accuracy if the aggregation was founded in aboriginal 2008. It took added than a year for the European apparent appointment to action the application. Co-founder Peter Debik, who accountant the software to annoknips GmbH, holds the software rights to the annoknips.com platform.

annoknips.com is a chargeless belvedere which enables anyone to address their autobiography. By analysis the entries geographically and in time users can acquisition the stages in their lives and old accompany and acquaintances already again. In addition, the adventures entries certificate the history of the places anxious and this agency that the adventures of individuals actualize a account of streets, towns and countries. As in "real life" abreast history as a accomplished is created as a addle from the adventures of lots of people.

annoknips GmbH
Allee der Kosmonauten 32
D-12681 Berlin

Phone +49 (0)30 61 74 33 08
Fax +49 (0)30 61 74 33 09

