
href="http://brandbattery.com">Brand Battery</a>: The battery living of the iPhone has to be one on the biggest complaints and throughout heavy usage, typically e-mail synchronisation and applying the telephone, you might get 3 or 4 hours max. When I know I will be making use of the cell phone heavily, I slip into conservation mode making use of the following methods. This really is usually at a conference or when I know I won't get to charge for a day or two.

This will extend the living for another couple of hours which helps get through the day!

Turn sound off -If the telephone has to make a noise or vibrate, it's making use of battery living which you want to conserve. So turn it off.
Don't listen to music. If you'll need your cellular phone for e-mail or other work purposes, do not deplete the battery just listening to music
Change E-Mail to manual - If you've your iPhone configured to push e-mail down to your cell phone real time, turn this back to manual to conserve battery living. Do a manual pull of mail when and if you need it.
Set Autolock to 1 minute. The longer the screen is turned on, the far more it uses the battery. You possibly can obviously just put into sleep mode instantly right after use too.
Turn Bluetooth off if you are not employing it.
Minimize the brightness as far as you can without compromising your eyesight.
Turn Wi-Fi off in case you are not applying it as this really is a large battery drain.
Turn 3G off and use the slower speed GSM settings if mobile data speed is not an issue for you.
Turn off Location Services. You know where the cell phone is!
At least once a week try to run your battery entirely down anyway, then recharge your iPhone to 100%. This will keep your battery in good condition.

Have a appear on <a href="http://batteryextender.net">Cell Phone Battery Extender</a> for further tips to look after your iPhone.

